Traditional Song and Dance..concerts, clubs, ceilidhs, schools, festivals and private functions...
If it doesn't exist we can make the first one!!!
English Folk Dance and Song Society
Many thanks to those who have sent congratulations. I feel proper gobsmacked.This award is shared by all the folk that have spent time together singing,dancing and playing over the years. There would be no tradition but for the stalwarts who make up the British folk scene. I have enjoyed your company immensely. Let's hope we can all meet up again soon.
Benny Graham served his musical apprenticeship from 1967 in the folksong clubs of North East England. Clubs like Birtley, run by the Elliott family, and Newcastle Folksong and Ballad (which featured among it's regulars the High Level Ranters and Lou Killen) were at the forefront of the British folk revival. There was no better place in the late 60's for a young singer to develop a love of the vast musical culture of the North East.
Having worked as a solo performer Benny then formed a three part harmony band - Pegleg Ferret. An opportunity to join one of Tyneside's premier theatre companies came next and saw Benny working with company directors Gareth Morgan and Michael Bogdanov. Since then many companies have used Benny as a singer, actor, songwriter and production manager. Collaborations with Bob fox, Tony Corcoran, Chuck Fleming, Jez Lowe and most recently The Pitmen Poets bring us up to date.
Each one of the "poets" is a star in their own right but playing together the sum of the parts take the whole onto a different level.
Jez Lowe (guitar, cittern and harmonica) Billy Mitchell (guitar, mandolin and harmonica), Bob Fox (guitar), Benny Graham (melodeon and a heaven-sent voice) wrap their words and storytelling in beautiful collective harmonies.
2024 tour in may/june .. check out the Poets website
The Tony Corcoran Ceili of Tyneside's longest serving Irish dance bands. Featuring Tony Corcoran on fiddle and Benny Graham ..melodeon, vocals and dance caller.
Contact Benny Graham...e ... mobile 07973 870155
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